Monday 2 February 2015

Tips For Getting Your Woman Pregnant

As much as the society sees pregnancy
as a woman’s problem, many are the
times when inability to have a child is
because of the man. This is where
pregnancy tips for men will come in

In reality, daily habits are known to be
the cause of men’s fertility problems. As
a man you must know that having the
best tips in bed is different from getting a
woman pregnant.
The following are some of the tips to get
pregnant that can increase men’s chances of getting a woman pregnant.
Advoid Anti-Pressants for Pregnancy
It is advisable to avoid or minimize the
use of anti-depressants when you want to
get your woman pregnant. Anti-
depressants have been proved to have a
negative effect on the DNA and this can
hinder your fertility.
Men are advised to engage in frequent
cycling sessions. Bicycling can press the
testicles and raise them thereby
enhancing the sperm presence of the
Different forms of exercises for men can
boost the testosterone level of a man and
this is good for pregnancy. However, it is
an advisable tip to engage in regular
workouts so that you do not push
yourself to the limit. As you engage in
these exercises, the testicles ought to be
in their right position.
Check Your Veins
It is equally important to visit your doctor
and have your veins examined. If you are
experiencing difficulties in having a child,
it could be because of chemical imbalance or the bad temperature around
the testicles. This is usually caused by
problems in the veins. An urologist will be
in a good position to advise you.
Don’t use Drugs
If you are using drugs and steroids, it is
important to examine their side effects.
There are drugs that can adversely affect
the sperm production. This will make it
difficult for the affected person to
impregnate a woman. A physician should
advise you on which drugs to discontinue.
This Affect Men’s Sperm For healthy and normal sperm production, avoid illicit drugs. Tobacco, alcohol and marijuana can affect your sperm production.
Good Diet
Just like any other body function, fertility
is also directly affected by diet. It is
advisable to concentrate on a healthy diet
and focus on foods that have high
nutritional benefits. This will not only
improve your sperm production but it also
enhances your sex life.
Sleep is Important
Adequate sleep is also a plausible tip. Get
enough sleep and avoid stress. In order to
make a woman pregnant, your body must
be at its best so that the hormones are
not affected. Stress can weaken the body
thereby affecting you hormones.
Vitamin Supplements
Supplements can also help to improve
your performance. As long as you opt for
those from credible brands, you can add
more vitamins to your body and enhance
your sexual performance.
Avoid Heat
Excessive heat is not good when you
want the best hormone level in your body.
It is advisable to stay cool always and
keep off excessive heat. Hot tabs and
saunas should not be used.
Get Comfortable Cloth
Dressing is also of great significance.
Men are advised to wear loose-fitting
underwear or trousers to keep the
testicles as free as possible.
Know About Ovulation
Another good advice for men who want to
bear children is to study and accurately
comprehend the process of ovulation .
Know the best time to have intercourse
with your spouse.
These are vital tips for men that can yield
tremendous results. Above all, it is
important to have the right amount of
sex. A good frequency is every 2 days
and not less than that. If the situation
gets out of hand, consulting a fertility
specialist is a good idea.

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